TENS therapy treats pain using low-voltage electric currents that block or change the perception of pain. The two theories about this are that the electric current from TENS either stimulates nerve cells that block the transmission of pain signals, or that, through this stimulation, it raises the level of the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins. But however it is that a TENS unit works, it works, so it’s good to have one around. Many brands offer transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units that can help reduce pain. They are suitable for people with sciatica, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, but they may not be safe for those who are pregnant or have other conditions.
Also handy to have around the house is a lumbar support brace, a device used to help support or stabilize the lower back. Lumbar braces limit movement with metal parts that keep the brace from bending. Some styles even allow for the addition of extra pieces to help stabilize the mid- to upper-spine. This helps ease low-back pain